It's that time of year again here in sunny Florida where the strawberries are out and about! Ben and I L-O-V-E strawberries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We recently went strawberry picking (in between dissertation writing) at Rogers Farms here in lovely Gainesville. If you are in the Gainesville area and are looking for "you pick" farms here are a list of some farms in the area (not all organic).
So what better way to celebrate strawberry season then to make STRAWBERRY BREAD!!!!!!!!
If you all remember, I made this bread for the Relay for Life Gainesville to raise money for the American Cancer society. This bread was such a big hit and we loved it so much, Ben and I have been eating the bread all year long. Thanks to last years great strawberry season (and our freezer), we were able to use our strawberries we picked last May all year long (yes they did survive the big move). We just recently used the last of those strawberries and have started to freeze some more! Over this past year, Ben and I have used the recipe to make different variations of bread: bannana, bannana + strawberry and strawberry + blueberry. We have also made the bread with walnuts instead of pecans and we've added chocolate chips (we recommend the Ghirardelli 60% cacao bittersweet chocolate chips - it's a must!).
Below is the link to the strawberry bread recipe and as a special treat we added our variations to the recipe as well. ENJOY!
Strawberry Bread
All right Shelby - you tease! I couldn't access the strawberry bread recipe!!!
send my your e-mail address to and I can add you to the "list" so you can access the recipe:)
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